Are You Between 
12 - 25 & Pregnant?

We’re here to help you prepare.

Are You a
Young Parent?

Our services can support you.

Child Care Services 

Visit our Early Learning & Child Care page to learn more about our services and to add your name to our temporary wait list.

Do You Need
Help Right Now?

Day or night, there are places to turn.

Welcome to Rosalie Hall

If you’re a pregnant youth or young parent, Rosalie Hall is here for you.

Rosalie Hall is an accredited children's mental health facility focused on the needs of pregnant and parenting youth ages 12-25, their children, and their families. 

Rosalie Hall works to meet the needs of young families from Scarborough and across the Toronto Region. We offer prenatal supports including prenatal classes, nutrition and can help you find a child care provider. 
After you have your baby we can provide parenting classes, staff to help you to transition to parenthood and a school program where you can finish high school and be close to your baby in the Early Learning Child Care Centre.
We have lots of other supports like a food cupboard, baby supplies and Live In services. We are eager to work with moms and dads.


Pour les services en français, veuillez communiquer avec le Centre francophone de Toronto à

3020 Lawrence Avenue East
Scarborough, Ontario
M1P 2T7

Why We Do What We Do

Rosalie Hall is an accredited Children’s Mental Health Centre, serving Toronto communities since 1914. The organization provides a comprehensive range of youth outreach, early intervention, prevention and treatment services meeting the needs of young families, children and youth from Scarborough and across the Toronto Region. We are here to help.

Copyright Rosalie Hall 2025